| Manulife Asset Allocation Funds
An asset allocation fund is a single, market-based fund offering an investor more diversification than traditional market-based funds.
We have developed five Asset Allocation Funds that directly suit each investor style: conservative, moderate, balanced, growth and aggressive. To determine your investor style, use our Investment Strategy Worksheet. To access the Investor Strategy Worksheet, simply login to the secure website, and choose 'Investor Strategy Worksheet' from the Change My Investments section of the menu.
Pick an asset allocation fund if:
|  | | You want a portfolio with an investment mix chosen by professional fund managers |
 | | You want a portfolio that will be automatically rebalanced to stay matched to your style |
 | | You want a ready-made investment portfolio that you don't have to closely monitor |
Choose an actively-managed asset allocation fund if you want a portfolio of market-based funds managed by fund managers who aim to outperform the market: |
Manulife Conservative Asset Allocation Fund
Manulife Moderate Asset Allocation Fund
Manulife Balanced Asset Allocation Fund
Manulife Growth Asset Allocation Fund
Manulife Aggressive Asset Allocation Fund
[ More information about asset allocation funds |  |